Stainless Steel Wire Drawing

High Carbon & Low Carbon

Steel Wire Drawing Powder

Galvanizing Wire Wiping Powder

Galvanizing Flux

Ammonium Chloride, Zinc Chloride

Zinc ash Formation reducing Chemicals

Lead Wiping Chemicals

Electroplating Chemicals


Wire Drawing Dies

Steel Wire Drawing Powder

Steel wire drawing powder, also known as wire drawing lubricant or wire drawing compound, is a specialized substance used in the process of drawing steel wire. Wire drawing is a metalworking process in which a wire is pulled through a series of dies to reduce its diameter while increasing its length.

The primary purpose of steel wire drawing powder is to reduce friction between the wire and the drawing dies, allowing for easier movement and minimizing the risk of damage to the wire. It acts as a lubricant and coolant during the drawing process. The powder helps to reduce the surface contact between the wire and the dies, preventing excessive heat generation and metal-to-metal wear.

Typically, wire drawing powder is made from a combination of powdered metallic soaps, mineral oils, fatty acids, and additives. The specific composition may vary depending on the desired application and wire characteristics. The powder is applied to the wire either through a dry application method or mixed with water to form a slurry.

During the wire drawing process, the powder or slurry is usually continuously applied to the wire and dies to ensure proper lubrication and cooling. This helps to achieve a smooth and uniform reduction in wire diameter while maintaining the wire’s mechanical properties.

It’s important to note that steel wire drawing powder is just one component of the wire drawing process, which also includes various other factors such as die design, wire material, drawing speed, and machine parameters. Proper selection and application of the lubricant are crucial to achieving desired results in wire drawing operations.